Over the years, Coca-Cola has graced us with Emmy Award-deserving video advertisements, from the adventures of cute polar bears to the athletic demonstrations of world-class athletes. How have they delivered quality ad after quality ad? Upon review, it’s a combination of four elements:

1) Each advertisement holds a clear call to action.

There’s no clearer message than the one you find in a Coca-Cola ad. Even if it starts out showing no trace of the famous Coca-Cola logo, there is no doubt which product they’re selling. From the color scheme of the ads to the upbeat message, it has the brand written all over it, leaving the consumer no doubt:

2) They take the audience into consideration.

Their ads are always family friendly, stressing communication and healthy interpersonal relationships, appealing to a broad audience from children to adults. According to an article publish on The Drum:

First piloted in Australia to drive brand awareness among young consumers, Coca- Cola’s ‘Share a coke’ ad campaign quickly grew to become one of the brand’s most recognizable international drives.

The campaign slogan was built upon Coca-Cola’s long-cultivated image of being a brand rooted in friendship and bringing people together. The campaign kicked off with the simple activation of placing the most popular Australian names on Coke bottles to drive sales and lead to social conversation around the soft drink. The campaign proved a success and soon spread to the rest of the world. This small activation led to the beverage giant launching a number of innovative brand experiences for consumers, including specially designed twist tops that required another bottle to open them.

3) Each video is short and sweet.

Coca-Cola ads might be fascinating, but they never run into overtime. Within a few brief minutes they tell a story, pull in their audience, and sell their product, all while keeping it light. Their 2012 Super Bowl advertisement – featuring a group of polar bears playing their own version of football – is a notable example:

4) The first few seconds capture the viewer’s attention.

Coca-Cola does not waste any time connecting to their consumers; their ads immediately pull in the viewer with distinctive visuals and auditory cues. One iconic ad in particular comes to mind:

Opening with the signature tinkling of sleigh bells and a brightly lit truck, this ad is recognizable from the moment it starts. A holiday time staple, the ad first run in 1995 has since been credited with being the official herald of Christmas for many consumers. Coca-Cola has always cultivated an association with the festive period from as far back as its early ads of the 1930s, but it is this one which has most successfully forged a connection between the brand and Christmas. For many of us, its snowy scenes, atmospheric music, and excited children encapsulate the essence of the holiday spirit.