You’re watching sunset time lapses and montages of waterfalls play while a soothing, rhythmic voice-over gently urges:

“Breathe in deeply… exhale.”

“Push away any negative thoughts…”

No, you aren’t watching a trance meditation video. You’re watching a Chuck-E Cheese commercial. That’s right.

It’s probably safe to assume that tranquility and mental salubriousness are not the first associations that come to mind at the mention of Chuck-E Cheese. A greasy arcade and pizza joint for kids that has a goofy skateboarding mouse as its mascot? Now that hits a little closer to the mark.

But who says that Chuck-E Cheese has to be stuck in that box? Chuck-E-Cheese, for one, says no.

In a hypnotic thirty-minute ad recently released to Youtube, Chuck-E Cheese makes a move to target millennial moms for its “endless salad bar.” The teeny-bopper skate-boarding mouse has embraced a new identity as a peaceful yoga guru who leads the viewer through relaxing exercises of mental tranquility, whilst waterfalls and nature videos fade in and out, and the viewer is urged to visit the salad bar.

The Drum observes:

Chuck E. Cheese is spotlighting its endless salad bar with a seemingly endless ad to inspire countless hours of fun for kids and a moment for moms.

In a world of six-second ads, the chain created a 30-minute endless salad bar ad as part of the brand’s strategic marketing shift to target millennial moms where they are spending more time – social channels, leveraging influential social platforms and content that resonates with the target.

The new digital video ad is 30 minutes long, with the hopes that humor will breakthrough and engage with a full 30 minutes of zen-like content.

Because veto power matters, Chuck E. Cheese offers a salad bar with over 30 salad ingredients and sides, now available all day.

This latest ad campaign demonstrates how heterodox marketing strategies can be very effective. By posting a 30-minute video – a segment significantly longer than the typical ad – Chuck-E Cheese was able to garner more attention and create intrigue around its funky, creative gimmick. Secondly, while branding is important, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to your company’s voice. A faux-meditation video is a far cry from the typical fast-paced, smiling-kids-saturated, brief ad segments normally used by Chuck-E Cheese. However, this did not mean it was less effective. In fact, its striking contrast to the company’s traditional character is what makes it so attention-grabbing.