This month, Reese’s partnered with London-based creative agency Mother London to create an extraordinary new commercial that has customers falling head over heels for its classic Peanut Butter Cups.
“Anything but ordinary”
Inspired by the Hershey subsidiary’s tagline: “Anything but ordinary,” the team at Mother London came up with a bizarrely intriguing advertisement. Featuring a chocolate stiletto on an orange background, the ad opens with a serious voice-over by British comedian Henry Paker saying:
“Look at that. An exquisite high-heeled shoe. I know what you’re thinking… You want to put peanut butter in it, don’t you? It’s ok. That’s what we’re into too. In fact, that’s our whole thing.”
The ad then proceeds to show the shoe being filled with peanut butter, before breaking away to explain how Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are likewise “absolutely filled with peanut butter.”
“Deliciously different”
When discussing the inspiration behind the strange advertisement, Jackson Hitchon, general manager Europe & World Travel Retail at The Hershey Company, shared:
“We know Reese’s is deliciously different, it is not your ordinary product and that is something we celebrate – we want everyone to taste the combination of chocolate and peanut butter goodness and love that difference. We wanted to show our fans and future fans the dedication we put into bringing these two flavors together. In a number of – anything but ordinary – scenarios.”
Reese’s also plans to release additional content to generate social media engagement by encouraging Reese’s fans to discuss what things they like to put their peanut butter in.
Check out the commercial for yourself below: