Snapchat, the popular yet controversial photo and messaging app, has just introduced a big, new feature.  The company is taking steps in a bit of a new direction by enabling users to link their bank accounts to the app and send money to others with just a few taps.

This particular news has come to fruition from Snapchat’s partnership with Square, the mobile “cash register” service.

One may wonder why an impermanent photo service wants to start taking cues from services like Paypal. The answer may seem indecent, but it makes sense for Snapchat from a business perspective.  The ad unveiling the feature suggests a scenario where friends can send friends in need a few bucks at a coffee shop or something similar. In reality it will most likely take the shape of users paying others for what the app does best, which is sending temporary photos.

So, while many people would be uncomfortable with the above scenario, there are certainly a contingent of users who would accept the new feature with gusto, and snapchat is seemingly making the right move.  So, how do you feel about Snapcash?  Tweet your thoughts to @opusfidelis!