Whether you are seeking to build your personal brand or business brand, Instagram has become a must in our visual culture. But in 2018, everyone knows that, like Facebook, Instagram has incredible potential to attract customers. How do you make it work for you despite the heated competition?

According to an article on Forbes:

Increasing competition from big corporations, as well as a flood of new startups, without a corresponding rise in ad slots has resulted in prices going up and competition to get the best slots increasing. That’s squeezed startups that either have to afford the higher prices or come up with a different strategy. “There is a lot more competition that is coming not only from these smaller direct-to-consumer brands popping up, but from bigger brands moving budgets away from traditional media.”

The article goes on to explain that there is hope for business on Instagram. Success lies in learning how to navigate Instagram as a business: don’t build a half-baked brand, expect to pay more, have a strong, authentic voice, use video, and invest in other channels.

A U.K.-based social media image printing company created an infographic with complementary tips for businesses on Instagram. If you are involved in a business looking to establish an audience on Instagram, be encouraged. Start with the practical tips below and work toward building an audience, increasing engagement, and navigating ads to reach the right audience with the product or service they need.