Clothing line H&M has just released a short Christmas promotional film starring Adrien Brody and directed by Wes Anderson.
The film, titled “Come Together,” features Adrien Brody, (best known for The Pianist) as a conductor on the “H&M Express,” regretfully informing his passengers that Christmas will be cancelled due to train delays. What follows is typical Wes Anderson Charm. Watch it below.
Moviegoers probably remember Wes Anderson for his Oscar-winning films Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom. The director is known for his quirky style — perfectly symmetrical shots, pastel colors, and long-form shots. In addition, his offbeat storytelling resonates with younger audiences who are more interested in sensitive indie movies than the latest action flick.
So, it makes sense for a line like H&M, a brand which markets to the young, to pick out a director like Anderson to make a movie for them. Anderson has directed commercials before, two for Hyundai and one for Stella Artois, to name a few.
What accounts for Anderson’s commercial popularity, especially with luxury brands, is that for him, advertisement is more than just selling. His films make raise products to an art form — and makes them a lifestyle. A brand like H&M wants their customers to be invested in the H&M lifestyle, and no director is better than Wes Anderson for helping enhance their allure.