In the coming weeks, Facebook will implement changes to the way its users view notifications on the Facebook app. The updated platform will offer organized and in-depth alerts, much like a personalized calendar.

Facebook CardsUsers will see the updated notifications on the Facebook app in the form of cards, which will pander to individual tastes, based off of search history and the pages a particular user has liked. For example, if someone has liked a certain TV show, Facebook will flash him a card that announces when the next episode will air. Users can customize cards to better suit their tastes, or if they so choose, can decide not to use them at all.

There are currently 15 possible notification cards. Cards act much like the old notifications platform, alerting users of friends’ birthdays and life events. But, in addition to these functions, Facebook has made location-specific cards that notify users of real-life events occurring in their particular locale. This opens a world of possibilities—cards about movies being shown nearby, cards about nearby sports events, even cards about friends visiting from out of town.

While Cards make Facebook act like a calendar or event planner, they by no means are the site’s version of an AI function. Facebook’s product manager, Keith Peiris, said Cards are “a logical extension of notifications.” This is just another way the company is trying to endear itself to its users.

Cards allow Facebook to extend its influence much more deeply into people’s lives. Take heed: companies (like Facebook) that accommodate their users’ every need become indispensable. As long as it innovates and serves the user, Facebook will hold staying social media influence for years to come.

See Mashable for more.