If you are a digital marketer, what are the chances that your web ads stick with consumers in a positive way?

Pretty slim.

A recent survey found that only 10 percent of consumers thought the website ads they were seeing were “memorable.” Conversely, 32 percent of respondents related that they found website ads to be “excessive,” and 27 percent found them to be “intrusive.”

Overexposure has become a new problem in the past year especially, with many consumers stuck at home and on the web all day, digital advertisements have begun to feel like an overused tool. When consumers feel ad fatigue, it can negatively impact their impression of a brand.

Impact of overexposure on brand perception

According to audience targeting firm GWI and researcher WARC:

More than half (52%) of US survey respondents said too many ads most negatively impact their view of a brand, significantly higher than the 32 percent who said ads next to inappropriate content would most negatively impact their view of a brand. Additionally, 39 percent [said] ads that block content they are trying to access and 37 percent [said] seeing ads not relevant to them.

The survey results elucidate additional obstacles faced by the digital marketing industry as it awaits the impending specter of a cookie-less digital landscape in the coming years.