As a greater portion of the world’s population moves onto social media, it should be expected that all brands’ social media presence increase alongside the general trend of growth. That being said, it is important that your business not simply amass followers, but instead focus its outreach efforts on converting new social media users into a loyal fanbase.

Because of all this growth, it may be hard to see what practices are really effective and which ones are simply the result of a current trend. Certain tactics, like prize offerings and clickbait posts, will generate likes, but will not benefit your long term strategy. The key to a successful page is putting out substantial content for your followers and using more ephemeral tactics to pull in new ones.

Here is an infographic that details the social media’s inflation in 2016 and how your business should capitalize on the situation:

The Social Media Inflation Index 2016 [Infographic] | Social Media Today

Sourcing via TrackMaven.

Infographic via Social Media Today.