As the internet becomes both more populated and more accessible with each passing day, marketers must continually explore new ways to keep their audiences interested in their business. Successful advertising has become a challenge, especially among the millennial demographic. This future generation is already becoming dominant—you need to focus on visual marketing, and focus now.
Smart visual marketing is a necessity for millennials. As a culture, we have become distrustful of words. This is due to a variety factors, from the fact that we do not have enough time to read more than 140 characters to the the fear that staying on a website too long could infect our devices with a virus. What can marketers do to overcome an audience with a short attention span? Eye-catching pictures, eye-catching videos.
There are many avenues for smart visual marketing. For example, the site, Instagram, allows you to post seemingly vintage photographs. Marketers have successfully seized upon this medium in a variety of ways. Likewise, Pinterest, formerly a visual “wish list” site, now allows marketers to sell products via “buyable pins.” Furthermore, marketers have seized upon video apps like Vine and Youtube, using them to craft emotionally stirring ads. Even the infographic has found new life among clever graphic artists. There’s a whole new world of visual marketing opportunities awaiting you—just pick the one most suited to your business.
Visual advertising used to mean TV or print ads. The overwhelming platform shift to social media sites (especially mobile-friendly sites) marks a change in demographic to a user base that is always connected, yet easily distracted. Only the most eye-catching content will keep your audience captivated. So set your sights on visual marketing, and be creative.
See Incite Group for more on the rise of visual marketing.