No, Halley's Comet has not landed.  But another amazing phenomenon has occurred: Youtube’s view counter has been broken!  

Remember that video “Gangnam Style” that took over the world in 2012?  If you don’t, you are the only one.  While (thankfully) the video stopped being played constantly in public, apparently people didn’t stop watching it in private.  The Youtube video stalled its view counter at 2,147,483,647 views, which is the maximum number that a 32-bit integer slot can hold.     

In a message on their Google+ page, Youtube addressed their “code bust” and assured viewers that the counter would count again:

It appears that the Youtube developers rectified the problem, because Psy’s video keeps getting more and more views.  While future history textbooks could likely describe 2012 “as the year of Gangnum Style,” they might also put aside a sentence to mark 2014 as the year Youtube’s view counter was broken by the video.  

Now, we might wonder whether or not Gangnum Style could break Youtube’s counter again.  While lightning doesn’t often strike twice, it is of course a possibility (although, a very small one).  However, this whole episode raises even more serious questions to answer: who is still watching Gangnum Style and why?!