The Christmas season often brings some of the most funny, heartwarming, and entertaining advertisements of the year – spreading glad tidings and good cheer. We’ve selected our top five favorite Christmas commercials – and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Source: Giphy

#5 – 1914 – from Sainsbury

Sainsbury presents the cinematic artistry of a feature-film in just under four minutes. What’s even more heartwarming is that it is based upon true events which took place along the Western Front on Christmas Day in World War I.

#4 – The Parking Garage – from Audi

What’s harder than trying to find presents for everyone you love in time for Christmas? Finding a parking spot.

#3 – #ReindeerReady – from McDonald’s UK

Did you know that McDonald’s sells carrots? Er, reindeer treats, that is. Not sure which is more impactful – the soulfulness of the reindeer faces or the irony of McDonald’s giving a disclaimer about carrots needing to be eaten “in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.”

#2 – “Finn” – from Migros

Sometimes, the best stories don’t need words.

#1 – Monty the Penguin – from John Lewis

John Lewis always manages to tug on our heartstrings with their Christmas commercials, and “Monty the Penguin” is no exception. This adorable duo will have you reaching for the tissue box.