In the spirit of play, this Christmas season LEGO is hosting an augmented reality snowball-throwing competition to draw customers back to physical stores.

“The first transatlantic snow throw”

The LEGO Snow Throw officially kicked-off on November 8 and is currently playable at two of LEGO’s stores,  one in London and one in New York. From an AR device set up in each location’s front window, shoppers can participate in the transatlantic tournament by attempting to throw as many snowballs as possible. Not only is the experience designed to incentivize in-person shopping (hence the screen placement in highly-populated cities), but it’s also meant to celebrate competition and creativity among LEGO customers.

“Play is your Superpower”

According to Marketing Dive, LEGO Snow Throw is the latest initiative in the brand’s “Play is your Superpower” campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the need for playtime, as studies show that play contributes to children’s long-term wellbeing. In addition to the AR competition, the campaign has also included a minute-long video featuring appearances by celebrities, each explaining how playtime helps them unlock their creative potential, and a short film where children use the power of play to rejuvenate grownups trapped in a lifeless corporation. The campaign resonates with viewers by playing to LEGO’s strengths as a company, highlighting the idea that with a few blocks and a big imagination, you can “rebuild the world.” In fact, the Danish phrase from which LEGO’s name derives literally means: “play well” – which is precisely what LEGO’s new campaign is encouraging kids to do.