After recent complaints from users about how posts are displayed, Instagram will be showing more new posts and no longer bump you to the top of the feed while you’re scrolling. Although it still will not display posts entirely chronologically, the change seems to be an improvement.
Instead of automatically showing you new posts, Instagram is testing a “new posts” button, which will pop up and give you the option of whether or not to view new content. The app has had a “relevancy-sorted” feed instead of a reserve chronological feed since June 2016, but many users have been unhappy with the change. They hope that this new update will provide a balance.
Instagram said on their website of the changes:
We’ve heard it can feel unexpected when your feed refreshes and automatically bumps you to the top. So today we’re testing a “New Posts” button that lets you choose when you want to refresh, rather than it happening automatically. We hope this makes browsing Instagram much more enjoyable.
Based on your feedback, we’re also making changes to ensure that newer posts are more likely to appear first in feed. With these changes, your feed will feel more fresh, and you won’t miss the moments you care about. So if your best friend shares a selfie from her vacation in Australia, it will be waiting for you when you wake up.
Do you think the updates will change Instagram for the better? Let us know what you think!