When Facebook introduced business pages last November, it became clear that the social network is trying to accommodate the needs of professionals, in addition to the 1 billion personal accounts it already serves. The addition of a job-posting option for professional pages only compounds Facebook’s newly-found professional standing.

Creating a job posting for your professional page is straightforward. Go to the “Create Job” option in the Page post options section and enter the relevant information. Then publish. The posting will look something like what you see in Facebook‘s video posted below.

Jobs Mobile

Posted by Facebook Business on Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Applying for a job via a social network is not a new concept. Right now, many businesses allow job applicants to upload their LinkedIn profile in lieu of a resume. In the past few years, the social network has completely redesigned its layout and presentation, because top LinkedIn employees have realized the only way to outdo Facebook is by finely tuning its “professional social network” niche.

Facebook’s foray into the professional world puts it miles ahead of LinkedIn, at least in potential. Facebook has a vibrant social community with a larger pool of daily active users than any other social network. If it so desired, it could make LinkedIn irrelevant simply with mimicry.

Until that happens, post job offerings on both Facebook and LinkedIn for the best results. Everyone’s online anyways – someone’s bound to be qualified.